Sunday, December 19, 2010


woman is unpredictable kind of thing..seriously,smetimes they're so sweet,sometimes they're so kind,sometimes they're so annoying,sometimes they're so full of jealousy and bla bla bla etc......

but why??!!! i dont say dat man is predictable or what but we are not so unpredictable compare to them!!! they are very2 sensitive kind of species..we need to be really careful when deal with them,i admit that its hard to understand how you all women feel,how do you want to be treated but do u know whats the problem that make you women so unpredictable???

the answer is that you've been thinking all about yourself,how you feel by ignoring how we actually other words,you dont understand others!!this is what happen in the real world!...even if we try to understand them by sacrificing our own feelings but they choose the opposite...ask yourself,do you women even know how hard are we try to being nice to you!!!!plsssss,change your attitude..try to understand each other in a better way :)


husna said...

weyh.ko dah boleh jadi dr love nihhh.hahahaa

Hafidz said...

jgn trase k :p

sEraiWaniEy.. said...

eeyh ko jgnlah keciwa sgt ak x tron kl teman ko.hahah

Hafidz said...

ko nye psl ah ni okkk..hahaha

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